Wednesday, December 25, 2019

John Miltons Life and Writing Essay - 1709 Words

John Miltons Life and Writing John Milton did not just write poetry. He put his life, his thoughts, into words. Milton began his life in Cheapside, England, because his father’s wealthy family was Roman Catholic and John Milton Sr., Milton’s father, decided to become Protestant, therefore he was disinherited (Muir). However, the Milton family did not remain poor, John Milton Sr. was able to establish a wealthy family once more. He became a scrivener, which is a law writer, and was also a music composer on the side (Liukkonen). After money was no longer a threat, Milton attended Christ’s College in Cambridge (Browning). Milton’s works seem to be split into four distinct phases; these phases are a direct result of events taking place†¦show more content†¦However, in Il Penseroso Milton focuses on a man that is not happy, but devoted to working to make something of his life. Milton begins this poem with, â€Å"Hence vain deluding Joys,† which is directly opposing the conce pt of L’Allegro, which was Milton’s intent (Norton 1786 line 1). While L’Allegro and Il Penseroso were reflections of though in Milton’s mind, he also expressed a tragedy that occurred in his during his schooling years through Lycidas. â€Å"In this monody the author bewails a learned friend, unfortunately drowned in his passage from Chester on the Irish seas, 1637,† and this was the man that Milton intended to be with as they pursued becoming clergies (Norton 1791). Lycidas is a poem full of collected thoughts about a dear friend; in fact this death discouraged Milton from ever becoming a clergy. Since Milton was not going to be a clergy, he later began the occupation of writing. However, as soon as he had published only a few works, Milton became involved with Oliver Cromwell’s fight against King Charles I (Liukkonen). This Civil War put a hold on Milton’s work for twenty years, but as soon as that was over Milton’s second distinct phase began. Within this phase Milton wrote several pamphlets based on the beliefs and values he held. Among these pamphlets Cromwell emerged in the poem â€Å"To the Lord General Cromwell, May 1652† (Norton 1813). Naturally this topic wouldShow MoreRelatedBiography of John Milton Essay example1079 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Milton was the second oldest child born to the union of senior John Milton and Sara Jeffrey. He was born December 9, 1608 in London. Milton lived with his family in a home located very near to St. Paul’s Cathedral. John Milton Sr. was able to afford a private tutor for John because he acquire d some wealth through his work as a legal secretary. Milton’s father prepared and notarized legal documents, was a loan officer, and served as a real estate broker. Milton Sr.’s income allowed him to provideRead MoreJohn Milton : A Strong Advocate Of Political Liberty Essay1659 Words   |  7 Pagespolitical liberty, John Milton was a poet during the Renaissance (Puchner 2742). He was born on December 9, 1608 in London to a middle class family. His parents were John Milton, Sr., a professional composer, and his mother, Sara Jeffery. Milton had numerous siblings. He was only survived by three of them; however, some of them died at young ages. During Milton’s writing years, he wrote many pamphlets based on political, religious, populism, and educational topics. However, Milton’s main focus, thoughRead MoreJohn Milton: An Inspirational British Poet Essay976 Words   |  4 PagesEllo, John Milton grew up adorning the world with his high talent. John Milton did everything he can do to improve his writing skills. He loved to write poems about anything he could. Milton family stood by him through his every move. As a British poet Milton discovered good things in his early and personal life, career, and his two explicated poems. John Milton was an inspirational British poet. John Milton was in London, England on December 9, 1608 to John Milton, Sr. and Sara Jeffrey (http://wwwRead More milton and his life Essay903 Words   |  4 Pages Milton and his Life nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John Milton was born in London. He is known for being one of the greatest poets of the English language, best known for his epic poem PARADISE LOST, written in 1667. Milton’s poetry has been said to be powerful and having rhetoric prose and a huge influence on the 18th century verse. 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The poem is written in the style of pastoral elegy and is dedicated to Edward King a friend of John Milton who drowned out at sea. About 100 years after the poem had already been well known, Samuel Johnson responded forcefully by writing a critique that has also become well renowned. Samuel Johnson, who wrote the English Dictionary, questions the worth of Lycidas. According to Johnson, poetry is an art formRead MoreEvoluti on Of Western Literature : John Milton, Walt Whitman And Franz Kafka1422 Words   |  6 PagesGod, Leaves of Grass, a set of poems that celebrate the author’s sense of life through self-expression, and Metamorphosis, which illustrates the life of a man who let modern life demean him, illustrate through different styles how they reflect their times. Their authors, John Milton, Walt Whitman and Franz Kafka, were able to show how in these different stories through the content, their choice of language and style of writing, how they helped evolved Western Literature. In the three works of literatureRead MoreEssay on Imagery in Lycidas893 Words   |  4 PagesLycidas Lycidas, a poem written by John Milton as a memorial to Edward King, a classmate at Cambridge, reflects Miltons reverence for nature, his admiration of Greek Mythology, and his deeply ingrained Christian belief system. In Lycidas, Milton combines powerful images from nature and Greek Mythology along with Biblical references in order to ease the pain associated with the premature death of King. King drowns at sea in the prime of his life and Milton is left to make sense of this tragedyRead MoreLegacies in Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley and When I Consider How My Light Is Spent by John Milto1334 Words   |  6 PagesThe Petrarchan sonnets â€Å"Ozymandias† by Percy Bysshe Shelley and â€Å"When I Consider How My Light Is Spent† by John Milton both consider a man’s legacy after death. However, both poems talk about a man’s legacy from very different perspective and come to their own conclusions. In â€Å"Ozymandias†, a traveler describes a broken statue of King Ozymandias (the Greek name for the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II) and the barren ruins surrounding the statue. Ozymandias believes that his legacy will last forever. ThroughRead MoreMiltons Grand Style1565 Words   |  7 PagesComment on Milton’s grand style. John Milton was highly ambitious to be the rival poet of all the classical masters namely – Homer, Virgil, Tasso, Boccaccio, and Dante. With this end in view, he mastered all poetic arts to write his long desired epic poems, Paradise Lost, and Paradise Regain. Though he was completely blind at the time of writing these epic poems, his poetic faculty was quite aright. During his prose period, he already achieved necessary learning of poetic style for which

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Act Of Inhaling Vapor ( Or Vaping ) - 993 Words

As the world moves into the 21st century the drug that once funded nations is starting to die off; not due to pestilence but due to increased knowledge of how it harms the body. Tobacco once ruled the world; now in the digital age a new way to inhale smoke has come into being. Electronic Cigarettes, or e-cigs as they are more commonly known, have become very popular in recent years. The act of inhaling vapor (or vaping) has become a social norm; much like smoking a cigarette was just a few years ago. But with an increase in public usage the FDA must make a decision. In an OP-ED written by Sally L. Satel, M.D for the New York Times she discusses how vaping is â€Å"a public health revolution in waiting.† but might not take off. The paper is written largely to the general audience but more focused on those who are pro-electronic cigarettes with a larger conversation on how the market needs to be regulated by the government to keep the people who choose to consume vapor (whether it does or does not contain tobacco) safe. While the paper seems to be largely pro-electronic cigarette Satel does state some very clear issues with the market over all. â€Å"Smokers are barraged with news about inaccurate labeling, shoddy counterfeits and poorly made e-cigarettes that emit toxins and cancer-causing chemicals in vapor. And to the frustration of smokers, public health experts and, yes, manufacturers, the Food and Drug Administration, which has not yet set up sensible regulations, is making theShow MoreRelatedEthical Controversy Of E Cigarettes1148 W ords   |  5 PagesE-Cigarettes Originally manufactured in China in 2003, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) were manufactured as a better way of inhaling nicotine without the health effects of smoking tobacco. They were developed to provide the tobacco user with a device that would heat up liquid nicotine and other chemicals including carcinogens that once heated would create a vapor in which the user would inhale. Unlike cigarettes, nothing is burned, and there is no smoke released from the device. E-cigarettesRead MoreIs What It Should Not Be Illegal?1778 Words   |  8 PagesIs Vaping actually harmful ? Vaping can be defined as the act of inhaling vapor from e-liquid through a personal vaporizer . It is a tobacco free version of the traditional cigarette . The e-liquids are mainly made of propylene glycol ( PG ) or vegetable glycerin ( VG ) . Sometimes both . A combination of PG and/or VG with natural or artificial flavors are used to create exotic and unique flavors . People vape as an alternative to smoking . It is a healthier version since vaping gives you the optionRead MoreOver the years, there has been much debate about the ethical concerns of second-hand smoke.2400 Words   |  10 PagesOver the years, there has been much debate about the ethical concerns of second-hand smoke. Inhaling second hand smoke is an unavoidable consequence of being in the vicinity of smokers, exposing non-smokers to the same harmful chemicals as those who voluntarily engaged in it. While acknowledging the selfish nature of second hand smoking, governments in various countries like Singapore have pu t in place smoke-free laws that restricts smokers from smoking in certain public places (Smoking prohibitionRead MoreThe Effects Of E Cigarettes On The United States5297 Words   |  22 Pagesstores dedicated to these devices have opened their doors to the public and business is thriving. E-cigarettes are battery-charged devices that have an atomizer, or heating element, in them to vaporize liquid nicotine. The user is able to inhale this vapor and get the nicotine without the other 4,000 chemicals present in tobacco cigarette smoke (Schroeder). Nicotine is a chemical that is produced by the tobacco plant. People have discovered that by smoking the leaves of a tobacco plant the nicotineRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of Lung Cancer1781 Words   |  8 Pagesindustry. In 2003(CAASA), the world was introduced to e-cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes (known as e-cigarettes) are battery-operated devices which deliver you the nicotine with different flavors in the form of vapor and not smoke. E-cigarettes were invented and designed so as to simulate the act of tobacco smoking which produces a captivating flavored aerosol that looks and feels like a tobacco puff and delivers nicotine but with less toxic chemicals such as carbon mono oxide and tar produced by burning

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Magic Quadrant Business Intelligence †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence. Answer: Introduction Evergreen Cargo series have been offering logistic services, which are confronting vicious rivalry. Expanding intensity in the market has prompted the management to influence the Bottommost contour expansion of the logistics. The expanding quantity of companies in logistic cargo service provider as well as latest trends is one of the real reasons which has ascribe to this circumstance. Associations which give logistics as well as supply chain management analytics in both broadly along with internationally investigating every possibility to cut expenses and lift efficiencies. They have started this SAP BI to get the market insights per latest selling, export dashboard. These new frameworks shall give breathing time to these logistics service more time for development, yet give less extension in practicing flawless checking along with control. SAP Business Intelligence is demonstrating be an energizing for practicing flawless observing as well as control over the associations esteem in cluding exercises. This is an outlook alteration in the way Evergreen Cargo services sense as well as react to alter in the marketplace (Elizabeth Vitt, Michael Luckevich, Stacia Misner,2002). Outline of New System In current worldwide situation logistics network as well as supply chain management have demonstrated to more marketing prudence than simply being negligible trendy expressions. In a Supply Chain, logistics is an imperative connection associating its different elements in Evergreen Cargo Services. Coordinations which is a subcategory of a logistics depends intensely on logistics for accomplishing culmination in its implementation. Logistics analytics in Evergreen cargo services plays a vital role in overseeing increasing smooth transition for cargo transportation. Even though producers embrace the Total Cost of Ownership model for SAP BI tool with their strategic costs, logistics transportation still assumes a vital part in deciding the quantity of offices along with their relating levels for the related sales, transportation and export management. Logistics has dependably been a favored drive to be subcontracted for maximum associations because of the benefit escalation along with i ts distinctive landscape of processes. This project are contingent proceeding SAP BI somehow also for the Evergreen cargo services needs. SAP BI are both resource based as well as non- resource based. Yet, then non-resource construct SAP business intelligence shall depend with respect to resource based application for the logistics services. SAP BI give Evergreen cargo administrations for both broadly as well as globally. Most SAP BI have established from being quite recently fundamental logistics specialist organizations to suppliers of other esteem included administrations such as pickups, stockpiling, pressing plus so on (Wayne Eckerson and Cindi Howson, 2005). In this manner there are diverse sorts of SAP BI relying upon the kind of managements they bargain, which is delineated in the diagram below: SAP BI are additionally being used for getting various dashboard reports, since the immense range of administrations they offer deal with the whole strategic exercises for Evergreen cargo services business. The Logistics suppliers who fundamentally use SAP BI however have been developed to give other esteem included administrations frequently covering the whole calculated need of an association. So, a SAP BI is sorted as well as separated considering its administration offering for logistics services (Mohammad Sheriff, 2010). Evergreen Cargo services has different processes which it accomplishes going from selection of the material until it conveys the material at its destination along with this additionally incorporates the bolster processes which are completed in unification with the fundamental line processes. The Life series is related with all single SAP BI functions for handling the complex jobs for the businesses. The SAP BI clarifies different procedures embraced by a system to play out Evergreen Cargo administrations for its client. The purchaser is the initial point as well as the close point for the Evergreen Cargo services. The mid-level road ventures in the SAP BI are Order management, logistics Planning, Routing for transportation as well as Preparation, Dispatch Processes, Possessions Crusade, Getting Processes along with Order Transport. Every transitional stride is a different procedure independent from anyone else. The Purchaser associates the Evergreen Cargo Services for conveying his/h er merchandise. The SAP Business Intelligence then acknowledges as well as plays out the Order management by getting the products to remain transported alongside the request data such as conveyance address, merchandise content data and so on. The SAP BI can gather the products from the client's area or the client can handover the merchandise at the SAP BI 's area or accumulation point. The SAP BI plays out the Evergreen Cargo services logistics planning in view of the Load calculate for transportation. They anticipate the heap to be conveyed by every last vehicle worked from that Hub to different Hubs. The SAP BI plays out the Routing and Scheduling algorithm map all the logistics services for evergreen with weight to the dissimilar courses as well as sequencing the communication of those transported vehicles in view of effectiveness, separation, limit as well as other related components. The SAP BI plays out the Communication Processes by allotting the separate anchorage to the veh icle, stacking the vehicle with the products as well as giving the whole group the name in records for the merchandise conveyed. The "vehicle having a place with" or "responsible for" the SAP BI transfers the products after the starting point Center to the goal Center. The SAP BI plays out the Receiving Logistics Processes by distributing the individual anchorage entryway, emptying the material from the loaded vehicle as well as approving the products with their comparing documentation. The SAP BI then plays out the Order Transport by conveying the merchandise which were elated alongside the credentials. The SAP BI conveys the great by the side of the client's area or the client can gather it at the SAP BI 's area or conveyance point. Description of any changes The crucial changes behind SAP BI project management activity is to convey certainty grounded data to enhance the proficiency and viability of the Evergreen cargo services. It ought to be the obligation of the Evergreen cargo services to characterize as well as drive the activity substance along with objectives since they recognize the data superlative; the SAP BI activity should be founded on the cargo services. The SAP business intelligence devices should be implicit sustenance of the cargo services requirements, in addition the devices conveyed should be somewhat clients shall also utilize. In current scenario, aggressive worldwide economy, to have the correct data at the ideal time is pivotal to an Evergreen cargo services capacity to create the key, planned as well as operational choices which drive authoritative objectives onward. To restored comprehend their cargo services, associations require natural inquiry as well as announcing apparatuses for cutting edge along with buyer level clients to acquire access to basic business data that backings key as well as strategic basic leadership (S. Bratz, K. Nagel, 2012). SAP BI shall be quickly getting to be plainly perceived crosswise over most enterprises, among associations that need to use its capacities, to help them pick up an upper hand in the market. During the project management mentioned in the project report, the below diagram depicts the scope management flow: The most widely recognized type of business knowledge for Evergreen Cargo services. This module shall be incorporating the actuals as well as by what means the actuals measure up in contradiction of the objectives. This kind of business insight regularly shows itself in the normal reporting format generated from SAP BI dashboard week by week or month to month reports, these can be easily downloaded that should be created. A large portion of this module have doubtlessly keep running into the requirements for gauging, in addition every detail of logistic estimation from distance, price shall concur through this estimation model in both science and craftsmanship. It is a craftsmanship since one can never make sure what's in store. Consider the possibility that contenders choose to spend a lot of cash in publicizing. Imagine a scenario in which the cost of softwares such as operating system, hardware such as RAM. In the meantime, it is likewise a knowledge since one shall generalize from chronicled information, thus it's not an aggregate figure. The basic role of a dashboard is to pass on the data initially of Evergreen Cargo services. For this gathering of people, there is nearly nothing, assuming any, requirement for penetrating down on the information. In the meantime, introduction as well as convenience are critical for a dashboard to be valuable. The SAP BI analytics multi-dimensional is the "cutting as well as cubing" of the information. It bargains great knowledge interested in the records at a coarser phase. This necessitates a strong information warehousing for backend, also business-clever experts to get to the vital information. Discovering connection among various variables for SAP BI tools This is jumping profound into business knowledge for Evergreen Cargo services business operations using SAP BI. The information is viewed as an abundance of data by utmost IT empowered associations. Associations are affecting in the direction of business intelligence to knock as well as get exact data with respect to its different partners. In this manner, SAP business intelligence can be embraced in addition connected in the day to exercise the association, for it to capitalize on from the information created by the association's different browser based frameworks for business analysis. SAP BI sellers give devices as well as stages empowering the conveyance of data to chiefs. As a rule, the data conveyed originates from social information sources or undertaking applications for Evergreen cargo services business operations and other administrations for the cargo services. Run of the mill advancements incorporate are as per the following Standard inquiry apparatuses enable the clients to sight data via noting a progression of pre-defined inquiries. The Evergreen cargo services issue that inquiry apparatuses resolve is the requirement for clients to join, break down along with send out data from a few sources utilizing a static arrangement. The standard inquiry instrument is an incredible system for sectioning the client populace into gatherings: clients who require specially appointed question abilities, the individuals who require provoked inquiry capacities and the individuals who require static question abilities (H. Platter, 2012). SAP BI detailing devices give the capacity to showing data in an outwardly engaging arrangement. The business issue that revealing instruments address is the requirement for associations to make perpetual records speaking to the Evergreen cargo business at a particular point in time, can be effectively scattered to others. As a result of the formal way of the data that announcing instruments speak to, it is imperative to create systems for keeping up and refreshing the information that they exhibit. Online Analytical Processing in SAP BI for Evergreen cargo services who require escalated information for examination capacities. The business issue that SAP BI instruments unravel is the requirement for clients to "wiseacre" faultlessly into information when additional points of interest are required. This tool shall furnish clients with unrehearsed admittance to information on an as-required principle. These devices defend consumers from the delicate rudiments neighboring the repossession of data from the historical data of Evergreen Cargo services. The Conception apparatuses in SAP BI shall assistance in the pictorial elucidation of multifaceted connections in multi-dimensional information. The design apparatuses for Evergreen cargo services shall be utilized to show information connections. Dashboards as well as scorecards shall be risen as some methods for helping associations do only that by giving an instrument to deciding, conveying on long haul arranges, reacting rapidly to market changes, giving more prominent control over the execution of system along with proceeding accountability. The SAP business intelligence dynamic visualization shall make it feasible for connotations to react to here along with Evergreen cargo services advertise changes, bolster strategic choices in addition to keep method on track. The SAP business intelligence used for Evergreen cargo services shall be used for different advances required in the mining of information. Essentially, there are different medium for analytics services for logistics by which information mining apparatuses separate their outcomes from databases ((H. Platter, 2012)). SAP BI Application The processes completed by a SAP BI for Evergreen cargo services are at a more extensive level is advised in the during the project implementation. These individual procedures which shape the SAP BI tool can be a degree for utilization of decision making in Evergreen cargo services business operations. Key Performance Indicators shall be vital to any business intelligence reporting usage so the KPI characterized for the different SAP BI procedures would authorize the information to be investigated as well as introduced to the client (J. Haupt,2012). The Data Visualization Tools in SAP BI utilize KPI to introduce in a Dashboard or additional accurate devices. Enable the SAP BI shall utilize OLAP Tools for producing BI as well management information reports for assessing the business operations performed in the Evergreen cargo services. Revealing Tools shall be of a huge use for settling on every day operational choices for dealing with logistics day by day operations. The SAP BI can likewise utilize Data Mining Tools to assess vital components both inward along with outer to the association as well as recognize instances of business also operation conduct for Evergreen cargo business services. The SAP BI shall then ready to take choices which are of Strategic or now as well as again of Tactical in nature utilizing information mining instruments. The immediate advantages of the utilization of a Business Intelligence arrangement might decrease in the Turnaround Time for readiness of reports, Direct as well as Faster access to infor mation expected to bolster basic leadership, break down the recurring pattern of organizations crosswise over administrations, locales, customers, evaluating, monetary standards, and market figures time and so on. The aberrant advantages are Improved deals execution, Enhanced Data Quality, Amended Productivity and so on. Schedule Review Created in the underlying period of venture arranging, this Evergreen SAP BI ace venture project schedule mentioned below is a synopsis level calendar which highlights the central exercises as well as assignments and their assessed term. This current schedule quality lies in its capacity to total individual action followed by various stakeholders and show them in one cooperative archive. The calendar has been followed with 78 days scheduled for completion of this SAP BI implementation in Evergreen cargo services, early specialized device for building the project in for the venture with upper level management as well as outside partners. This schedule is likewise helpful for encouraging group conceptualizing amid the underlying expressions of the venture to work out co-ordinations for various reports to be generated for this. As a propelled plan, a turning point timetable is frequently alluded to all through the venture's life cycle. The point of reference in this schedule is an outli ne level calendar which permits the venture group pioneer to planning, designing besides recognize the greater part of the huge along with significant venture related developments that may surface over the span of a venture. A turning point is a noteworthy occasion in the venture normally set apart by the finish of a noteworthy deliverable. Due to its outwardly satisfying arrangement, the point of reference in this schedule for SAP BI implementation is prescribed for detailing status reports to top level administration and outside partners of Evergreen Cargo Services. The point of reference schedule is likewise helpful amid group evaluations, especially for recently framed groups to give them a chance to take pride in their achievements, reflect upon their difficulties (Project Management Institute, 2013). Point by point schedule of this project are operational calendars has been proposed for cutting edge administrators in coordinating hourly, daily, or week by week can be extended. The definite timetable is viewed as the execution playbook for the venture. Comparable to a playbook dashboard for perfect schedule that can be separated into exercises (passes as well as keeps running) for the two sides of the diversion (offense along with resistance), the nitty gritty project shall be separated into sections to demonstrate the definite schedule for every action or separate period of the SAP BI implementation for Evergreen cargo services as it unfurls into final phase as per the schedule mentioned below. The risk management over a supply chain analytics in SAP BI must be founded on the risk management in each of the components of Evergreen cargo services business operations. The business relationship along with operations requirement inexorably predicament the running regulator efforts of logistics operations. This kind of situation proposes challenges for SAP BI analytics done for logistics operation at the time of BI application running during the real-time operations of Evergreen cargo services (Schwalbe, Kathy, 2010). In this risk review, we analyzed the management control situations where business intelligence technology can be applied as well as describe the concepts of systematic risk analysis to improve the management controls, based on causal analysis of business exceptions. A risk template shall be created in the project planning shall aid to analysts to fully comprehend the risk scenario in the practical business setting for evaluate and re-design the existing controls for SAP BI analytics (Sanghera, Paul, 2008). References Elizabeth Vitt, Michael Luckevich, Stacia Misner, 2002, Making Better Business Intelligence Decisions Faster. Prentice- Hall Eastern Economy Edition, First Edition, India Wayne Eckerson and Cindi Howson, 2005, Moving BI to the Enterprise, [BN11] S. Bratz, K. Nagel: What is a BW Workspace? SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany, 2012. ac0a3acd35af?QuickLink=indexoverridelayout=true52849572578976. Retrieved May , 7, 2017. [Gar13] Gartner: IT Glossary, Business Intelligence. Retrieved May, 8th, 2017. [Hau12] J. Haupt: LSA++ (Layered Scalable Architecture) for SAP NetWeaver BW on SAP HANA. SAP TechEd session EIM203, Madrid, 2012. 2-5167/EIM203_updated_Madrid.pdf. Retrieved May , 7, 2017. [HSR12] J. Hagerty, R.L. Sallam, J. Richardson: Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms. Gartner, Feb. 2012. [Inm05] W. H. Inmon: Building the Data Warehouse. John Wiley Sons, 4th edition, 2005. [Inm99] W. H. Inmon: Building the Operational Data Store. John Wiley Sons,1999. [Nag12] K. Nagel: Aspects of the HANA-optimized InfoCube. SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany, 2012. 1810/SDN_HANA_opt_InfoCube%20FINAL.PDF. Retrieved May , 7, 2017. [PZ12] H. Platter, A. Zeier: In-Memory Data Management: Technology and Applications. Springer, 2nd edition, 2012. Lewis, James, The Project Manager's Desk Reference, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006, ISBN 0-071-46464-6 Martin, Paula, Tate, Karen, The Project Management Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Project Teams, GOAL/QPC, 1997, ISBN 1-576-81001-1 Mohammad Sherriff, 2010, Application of Business intelligence in transportation, retrieved from Meredith, R. Jack and Mantel, Jr., Samuel J., Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 7th edition, Wiley, 2008, ISBN 0-470-22621-8 Organizational Change Management: Getting from Here to There. FUZION Consulting Training Services, LLC, 2014. Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: (PMBOK Guide), 5th edition, PMI, 2013, ISBN 978-1935589679 Project Management Institute, The Standard for Program Management, Third Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013, ISBN 978-1935589686 Sanghera, Paul, Dr. PMP. Fundamentals of Effective Program Management, A Process Approach Based on the Global Standard. J. Ross Publishing, Inc., 2008, ISBN 978-1932159691 Schwalbe, Kathy, Information Technology Project Management, 8th edition, Course Technology, 2015, ISBN 978-1285452340

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sustainable Food Preparation free essay sample

Through out the world food preparation has become more damaging to the world. In London, food creates 19 million tones of greenhouse gas emissions per year which is more than from all of London’s transport and all of London’s houses. Sustainable food is safe, healthy and nutritious, for consumers in shops, restaurants, schools, and hospitals etc, and can meet the needs of the less well off people and provides a livable livelihood for farmers, processors and retailers, whose employees enjoy a safe and hygienic working environment whether in the Australia  or overseas. The main steps to have a fully sustainable restaurant include: 1) Providing local, organic and vegetarian menu options. 2) Choosing foods and other products with little or no packaging. 3) Using reusable cutlery, cups, glasses, plates and platters. 4) Storing foods appropriately. 5) Reduce waste. 6) Reducing water consumption. 7) Trying to grow some of your own food. 8) Supporting fair trade. 9) Raising awareness. 10) Using smaller portions. We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainable Food Preparation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 11) Using short cooking methods such as microwaving, stir frying and grilling. Although practices vary, farmers who grow sustainable food to avoid weed, disease and pest problems, get nitrogen from natural sources like green manure and compost, practice soil conservation, minimize soil erosion and eliminate or limit the contamination of water with agricultural chemicals. The strategies they use to control pests are not harmful to the farmer, the consumer or the land and soil structure. In America, Ohio State’s dining services programs are actively committed to helping the earth. Initiatives such as local purchasing in Ohio, providing eco-friendly, biodegradable containers and utensils, offering  tray-less and bag-free service, work to support the local economy, reduce waste, and conserve water resources. Food waste is sent through the facility’s food pulper, shipped off-site and repurposed as compost or other byproduct. Used cooking oil is recycled and converted into bio-diesel fuel. They also convince Patrons can do their part in helping us reduce our environmental mpact by recycling their packaged products, purchasing one of our reusable bags or bringing their own, and visiting us with their reusable beverage containers. Customers who bring in their reusable mugs receive coffee for the price of a small. Sustainable food in both the commercial and home kitchen provides a much greener future and by taking time to use these methods for preparing food, you are able to create both a healthier meal and much healthier earth.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Arab-Israeli Conflicts Essays - ArabIsraeli Conflict, Western Asia

Arab-Israeli Conflicts Essays - ArabIsraeli Conflict, Western Asia Arab-Israeli Conflicts Since the United Nations partition of PALESTINE in 1947 and the establishment of the modern state of ISRAEL in 1948, there have been four major Arab-Israeli wars (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973) and numerous intermittent battles. Although Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979, hostility between Israel and the rest of its Arab neighbors, complicated by the demands of Palestinian Arabs, continued into the 1980s. THE FIRST PALESTINE WAR (1947-49) The first war began as a civil conflict between Palestinian Jews and Arabs following the United Nations recommendation of Nov. 29, 1947, to partition Palestine, then still under British mandate, into an Arab state and a Jewish state. Fighting quickly spread as Arab guerrillas attacked Jewish settlements and communication links to prevent implementation of the UN plan. Jewish forces prevented seizure of most settlements, but Arab guerrillas, supported by the Transjordanian Arab Legion under the command of British officers, besieged Jerusalem. By April, Haganah, the principal Jewish military group, seized the offensive, scoring victories against the Arab Liberation Army in northern Palestine, Jaffa, and Jerusalem. British military forces withdrew to Haifa; although officially neutral, some commanders assisted one side or the other. After the British had departed and the state of Israel had been established on May 15, 1948, under the premiership of David BEN-GURION, the Palestine Arab forces and foreign volunteers were joined by regular armies of Transjordan (now the kingdom of JORDAN), IRAQ, LEBANON, and SYRIA, with token support from SAUDI ARABIA. Efforts by the UN to halt the fighting were unsuccessful until June 11, when a 4-week truce was declared. When the Arab states refused to renew the truce, ten more days of fighting erupted. In that time Israel greatly extended the area under its control and broke the siege of Jerusalem. Fighting on a smaller scale continued during the second UN truce beginning in mid-July, and Israel acquired more territory, especially in Galilee and the Negev. By January 1949, when the last battles ended, Israel had extended its frontiers by about 5,000 sq km (1,930 sq mi) beyond the 15,500 sq km (4,983 sq mi) allocated to the Jewish state in the UN partition resolution. It had also secured its independence. During 1949, armistice agreements were signed under UN auspices between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The armistice frontiers were unofficial boundaries until 1967. SUEZ-SINAI WAR (1956) Border conflicts between Israel and the Arabs continued despite provisions in the 1949 armistice agreements for peace negotiations. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs who had left Israeli-held territory during the first war concentrated in refugee camps along Israel's frontiers and became a major source of friction when they infiltrated back to their homes or attacked Israeli border settlements. A major tension point was the Egyptian-controlled GAZA STRIP, which was used by Arab guerrillas for raids into southern Israel. Egypt's blockade of Israeli shipping in the Suez Canal and Gulf of Aqaba intensified the hostilities. These escalating tensions converged with the SUEZ CRISIS caused by the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egyptian president Gamal NASSER. Great Britain and France strenuously objected to Nasser's policies, and a joint military campaign was planned against Egypt with the underezding that Israel would take the initiative by seizing the Sinai Peninsula. The war began on Oct. 29, 1956, after an announcement that the armies of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were to be integrated under the Egyptian commander in chief. Israel's Operation Kadesh, commanded by Moshe DAYAN, lasted less than a week; its forces reached the eastern bank of the Suez Canal in about 100 hours, seizing the Gaza Strip and nearly all the Sinai Peninsula. The Sinai operations were supplemented by an Anglo-French invasion of Egypt on November 5, giving the allies control of the northern sector of the Suez Canal. The war was halted by a UN General Assembly resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of all occupying forces from Egyptian territory. The General Assembly also established a United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) to replace the allied troops on the Egyptian side of the borders in Suez, Sinai, and Gaza. By December 22 the last British and French troops had left Egypt. Israel, however, delayed withdrawal, insisting that it receive security guarantees against further Egyptian attack. After several additional UN resolutions calling for withdrawal and after pressure from the United States, Israel's forces left in March 1957. SIX-DAY WAR (1967) Relations between Israel and Egypt remained fairly stable in the following decade. The Suez Canal remained closed to Israeli shipping, the Arab boycott of Israel was maintained, and periodic border clashes occurred between Israel, Syria, and Jordan. However, UNEF prevented direct military encounters between Egypt and Israel. By 1967 the Arab confrontation statesEgypt,

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Ask for Information - ESL Education

How to Ask for Information - ESL Education There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common: Could you tell me...?Do you know...?Do you happen to know...?Id like to know...Could you find out...?Im interested in...Im looking for.. These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone: Im calling to find out...Im calling about... After you study these constructions, take the asking for information quiz to check your understanding. More English Functions DisagreeingContrasting IdeasMaking ComplaintsAsking for InformationGiving AdviceGuessingBeing Imprecise or VagueSaying No NicelyShowing PreferencesMaking SuggestionsOffering HelpGiving WarningDemanding Explanations Construction Formula Question Word Example Finish Could you tell me when the next train leaves? Do you know how much that vase costs? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? Id like to know what you think about the new project. Could you tell me when the next train leaves? Could you find out when she is going to arrive? Formula Gerund (-ing) Example Finish Im interested in buying a boat Formula Noun Example Finish Im looking for information on holidays in Spain. Formula used only on the telphone Question Word Example Finish Im calling to find out... if flight AZ098 will leave on time today. Formula used only on the telphone Noun Example Finish Im calling about... the offer published in todays newspaper.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing debate and discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing debate and discussion - Research Paper Example It is also satisfactory to the marketer by meeting marketing objectives. Nevertheless, as the above definition holds, other people criticize the process of marketing as to creating unnecessary needs and wants. Promotion services offered during marketing are always meant to attract many customers and give the company higher sales than the competitors. However, as Mattsson puts it, companies fail when they raise the expectations of the consumers beyond what they can actually provide. This raises the cost of marketing, and as a result of failure to deliver; more efforts are required to counter and correct the effect of the former promotion by both the marketer as well as the consumers (Mattsson 11-14). To meet specific customer expectations and or the failure to satisfy them may also translate to spending more by the customer. The successes of all marketing procedures highly depend on training and the competency of the marketing team and this as well translates to extra cost and need to the company. Therefore, marketing can be rightly seen to satisfy and cr eate needs, both to the marketer and to the target group. Mission statement for an organization is usually a theme that is well deliberated on as to how the business and operations relate to the customers, employees, management and the ownership structure of the enterprise. Mission statements are very essential to any organization as they aid in marketing through the following three ways; shows how a marketing plan fulfills the mission of marketing as pertains to the overall organizations mission, assists in a clear manner of evaluating the performance of marketing procedures and designs and guides implementation of a marketing plan (Anon 5). Mission statements have been found to have little or at times no disparity between similar organizations or departments. On customer targeting, marketing in particular may opt for age. Marketers usually have

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Factors affecting Key Skills Achievements in Further Education Essay

Factors affecting Key Skills Achievements in Further Education - Essay Example During the last years the attention is paid to the key skills development though they are not considered to be popular. Indeed, it was pressure from employers that resulted in the Key Skills standards being revised in QCA’s Phase 1 Report, and recommendations were made in September 2001. The research showed that sometimes the Key Skills are even more effective than the professional ones. That is the reason for Key Skills to be an integral part of the educational programmes. There are some different views as to â€Å"key† skills, but The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) has stated some number of skills which are considered to be â€Å"key†. These are such skills as: problem solving (defining the problems, choosing the alternative solutions to the problem, planning the actions to be taken). The most important of them are: communication, application of number, and information technology. Nowadays a great attention is paid to such a notion as â€Å"functional illiteracy†. But this notion should not be confused with the notion of ignorance. In today’s changing environment employers are demanding different skills from their employees. The Moser Report: A Fresh Start, improving Literacy and Numeracy (1999), opened with the statement: ‘Something like one in five adults in this country is not functionally literate and far more have problems with numeracy and one of the reasons for relatively low productivity in our economy’. This suggests that individuals do not have the functional skills and may be the reason why QCA’s current project may result in a name change from Key Skills to ‘Functional Skills’ According to Alexander Alexander’s (1999 p117) the statistics of the U.N.O. shows that 99 per cent of citizens of the USA, Germany, Great Britain and other European countries are literate people. The problem of functional

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fastenal Case Essay Example for Free

Fastenal Case Essay The comprehensive document is an overview of Fastenal Canada LTD and how it relates to sales management. The document first provides an introduction to the problem and company background of Fastenal, which includes a description of various views of Fastenal. It further goes into detail about the recommendations that relates to the two main parties involved, which are the customers and the company itself. The document also includes an in-depth implementation plan, which is broken down into short, medium, and long-term tasks to accomplish. Through out the document there is a mention of the vendor managed inventory model (VMI). By using VMI, we were able to use a different approach to avoid risks associated with the â€Å"bricks and mortar† approach. Fastenal should choose to implement the following business plan because a well thought out analysis went into determining the problem and coming up with a solution for the future growth of the company. All decisions were made with the company in mind and focusing on the strong relationship between the costumer and Fastenal. Introduction Fastenal Canada LTD is a subsidiary of Fastenal Company, which was founded in 1967. Fastenal Canada LTD operates as a wholesaler and retailer of industrial and construction supplies in Canada. They have over 200 stores across Canada, 66 of which are in the western region. Fastenal’s growth strategy has always relied heavily on new store opening because the high demand for its products and services across Canada (Fastenal, 2012). It tends to be risky as well as costly when opening stores using the â€Å"bricks and mortar† approach. The introduction of the vendor managed inventory model (VMI) has been advantageous. Fastenal receives an electronic data via email, informing them of its distributor sales and inventory stock level. This system makes it fast and efficient for the customers and sales associates. Fastenal interprets the electronic data and there is an automatic responsibility of maintaining the inventory level for the customer. Fastenal is looking for a different expansion model approach to be used as a growth driver in Western Canada. Our new proposed strategy gives Fastenal the ability not only maintains its desired identity but it gives them the ability to increase the market share and tap into a fresh new market. Our goal is to assess the situation in hand and work in the given environment to keep the strong customer relationships since it is an important component in the company. Problem Definition How can Fastenal use its new vendor managed inventory model to increase its market share? End market sales during the months of 2012 grew 19.8% from the manufacturing customers while the residential construction customers grew 17.9% (Fastenal, 2012). The advantage to VMI is that it releases the customer of having to worry about the level of their inventories. Fastenal interpret the electronic data and automatic take control of the responsibility of maintaining the inventory level for the customer. How can Fastenal reduce financial risk? Every scenario where there is a change in the way things are done or achieved there is always risks to failure or loss. In many cases where there is loss or failure, there is often a way that it could have been avoided or done differently to avoid the negative outcome. Fastenal needs to avoid these situations by planning ahead and finding ways to avoid the risks that may pose problems or loss in the near future. â€Å"Bricks and Mortar† approach induces many financial risks so another approach is necessary to prevent them. Situation Analysis Customers and the sales force are the stakeholders who are most affected. Strong customer relationships are the essence of Fastenal’s success and form an important component of their competitive advantage. The problem arises due the to lack of education the customer has about ordering online which deceases the efficiency PartStore has to offer. Ordering online reduces rushing the parts to the counter or waiting on the phone. Customers are also able to check parts availability and prices, as well as place an order. However when PartStore was introduced there was some confusion with it. Creating a frustrating relationship between the customer and sales person. Recommendations Consignment Inventory Consignment inventory usually involves the supplier, placing inventory at a customer’s location without getting rid of its ownership of the inventory. Since the owner retains the ownership of its products the customer does not pay until it is sold or used. However, before we examine how Fastenal can benefit from our proposed consignment program it is important to first examine some potential market of interest. The City of Edmonton According Edmonton’s 2012 budget report, almost all municipalities across Canada face a significant infrastructure deficit. Neighborhood renewal occurred periodically with funding from other orders of government, yet it failed to address the full life-cycle requirements of preventative maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. Over time, the condition of roads, sidewalks and sewers deteriorated, resulting in more frequent collapsed sewers, increased sidewalk hazards, and dramatically increased maintenance like pothole repairs. The Office of Infrastructure and Funding Strategy highlighted the need for ongoing funding for neighborhood infrastructure to overcome an anticipated $2.2 billion funding gap in neighborhood roads and related infrastructure. This situation provides a tremendous opportunity for Fastenal to penetrate and serve this market. Market potential The total number of potential infrastructure that needs to be fixed in any given time is the market. The market potential for Fastenal products in units would be equal to the number of potential infrastructure that require repairing, assuming that each infrastructure repair would use Fastenal product. Fastenal can benefit for inventory consignment within the city of Edmonton, however administration is important to understand how the current business model can be used to Fastenal’s advantage in delivering the services. FAST 5000 is a vending machine that provides workers with immediate access to materials and equipment’s. The FAST 5000 machine is installed at customer sites and Fastenal keeps them filled with needed products ranging from safety equipment’s, cutting tools supplies to office supplies. Fastenal handles everything from the delivery of the machines to the installation and restocking of the machine whenever the inventory level becomes low. Through the flexible web reporting system Fastenal customers are able to view and manage the machine’s inventory usage. Cory Jansen, Fastenal’s Vice President of Internal Operation have claims that having the FAST 5000 have reduced production consumption in many cases by more than 30 percent (City of Edmonton, 2012). In the midst of 2.2 billion dollar worth of infrastructure repairs that the city of Edmonton needs, someone will have to supplies this market with their required materials and tools to complete the repair work. Fastenal should approach the city of Edmonton with a proposal outlining how the FAST 5000 can be beneficial to the construction site and within the city offices. The city of Edmonton as a corporation serves a population of more than 750,000 residents; the corporation is segmented into seven different departments each department is responsible for providing a particular service to Edmonton residents. We suggest that Fastenal concentrate on the four main departments within the corporation that is more likely to benefit from the FAST 5000 or the FAST 3000 services, which are the: Office of the City Manager, Sustainable Development, Transportation Services and Infrastructure Services. Office of the City Manager will benefit from the FAST 5000 if Fastenal stocks them with office supplies, such as pens, pencils, papers, etc. Since each development must akin to a strict budget the FAST 5000 can provide the solutions to maintaining those budget, by reducing product consumption, having on-hand inventory, and administration costs, while providing new insight into usage and spending habit that can be used toward next years City budget. Fastenal can implement the same strategy within other municipalities across Canada. Implementation Fastenal needs to place a unit in each site under the City of Edmonton. We believe it to be reasonable to set one to three year goal to place a FAST 5000 machine in each site over the next three years. First step is to write up a proposal to bring to the Simon Farbrother, who must approve it. He is the city manager and makes the major decisions in these cases. This process can take up to three months to be able to present the proposal. This also creates awareness of the product to the potential client. The proposal must go through other levels of approval and be voted on by the city council, therefore this may take another three months. Once the plan is approved the production and distribution can be put into motion. The city of Edmonton has many different branches and sites in the Edmonton area. The marketing department in Fastenal will start to put together the proposal and presentation. The marketing department will create a miniature FAST 5000 as part of a press kit along with a formal written proposal. The press kit will also open up and contain testimonials from previous clients Fastenal has worked with. It will also have a brief description of the key factors and attributes of the FAST 5000 and what sets it apart from prior units. Once the plan is approved, Fastenal will be required to submit the bet to the city manager. Since Fastenal is the sole provider of the vendor managed inventory systems (FAST 5000, FAST 3000). This implies that there is only one supplier that can fulfill the requirement and that any attempt to obtain bids would only result in one supplies being able to bid on the contract which is Fastenal. The bid will contain the benefits and costs of going through with the deal and the estimated completion date of placing the units in different sites throughout Edmonton. Once the city has awarded them the contract they will immediately move forward, and Fastenal will provide the services as stated in the proposal. Fastenal will place the minimum required machines in each site as outlined by the contract. Time Line Immediately| Delivering units| Week 1| Submitting a bid| Week 2| Proposal| 3 months| Meeting with Simon Farbrother | 3 months| Vote by city council| 6 months| Full Approval| TBA| Expansion into further sites and markets| Budget Since we do not have any costs that are being associated with this project our cost is zero, therefore the budget is not present. Risk and mitigation Risk| Mitigation| Underperformance of sales force | * Bring on a skilled team * Have the team mentor new people * Make teamwork part of the culture * Hire skillful and enthusiastic employees | Sales loss on FAST machines| * Proper training * Information to customer about store * Finding good location| Unrealistic customer and schedule expectations| * Make the customer feel comfortable and at ease * Set schedule goals around frequent deliveries | Conclusion The problems we wanted to address were â€Å"How can Fastenal use its new vendor managed inventory model to increase its market share?† and â€Å"How can Fastenal reduce financial risk?†   Our new proposed strategy gives Fastenal the ability to not only maintains its desired identity but it gives them the ability to increase its market share and tap into a fresh new market. Strong customer relationships are the essence of Fastenal’s success and have formed an important part of their competitive advantage. Our business purposed plan intended to keep the strong customer relationships. Through our implementation approach we have demonstrated how Fastenal can transform it’s current solution into a continued transparent business model. Fastenal’s opportunities will be awarded by the skill and creativity they have to meet the customer demands. Reference City of Edmonton. (2012). Budget. Retrieved April 2012, from Fastenal. (2012). Fastenal . Retrieved April 2012, from Mackenzie, H. (. (2008). Sales Managment in Canada (1st Edition ed.). (D. Thompson, Ed.) Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Person Prentice Hall.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hardball :: movie essays

Bio: 16 year old high school student Essay: Gambling addict Connor O’Neil ends up deep in debt after he borrows money from almost every loan shop in town to fuel his addiction. In order to pay the mounds of money that he owes, he is requested to coach a little-league baseball team, the Kekambas. At first, Connor doesn’t start off right with the kids and doesn’t see the point of him being there. Even though Connor paid the kids no attention, they were somehow inspired by his presence. Later, He realizes that he must come to grips at what he wants in his life, and ultimately forms a special bond with the kids on the team.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the movie, we see Connor O’Neil at his worst. The personality traits he has are reflective of an orange. One of the more positive traits is being able to take decisive action. This can been seen in beginning of the movie, where he is in James’ office, and he immediately decides to coach the Kekambas, after the promise of a steady income. Connor shows that he likes sports, by always watching or betting on basketball games, and baseball games. Another good trait is his ability to solve problems, as he did when there was a shortage in jerseys. He solved this problem by telling G-baby of the shortage, but still letting him stay on the team. He is very much a risk-taker, and loves to live for the moment. This can be proven, as he is constantly gambling in the beginning, even if he needs to borrow money to pay off his huge debts. Connor possesses many typical behaviours of an out-of-esteem orange, as well. First, he uses stimulants, suc h as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and etc., when things don’t go his way, as seen in first couple of scenes. Second, he is physically aggressive, as shown in the quote, â€Å"no one can kick my ass better than I can†. Third he showed that he wanted to drop out of coaching the Kekambas by saying, â€Å"I’m bailing out†, when he found it uninteresting. Finally, he lied to Ms. Wilks, by saying he was a businessman, who just finished an errand in Canada.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though Connor is wary of coaching at first, he begins to see the harsh reality of the kids’ lives and the nature of being brought up in such a tough neighborhood.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Paradise Lost

Strictly following the tradition of classical epic, Milton made his Paradise Lost, a work that roused the interest of all men in all ages. We can even claim that by his creative genius, he has modified and ennobled that tradition. Though its form is classical, its content tends to be on the scriptural side. The very opening lines exhort its central theme –â€Å"Of man’s disobedience†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The bone of contention between the critics of all ages is about whom the hero of this epic is –God, Satan or Adam. Undoubtedly we are forced to say that a good number of passages, especially in the first two books of Paradise Lost, give a heroic stature to Satan, the major among the fallen angels. Gradual diminution of Satan’s glory and grandeur is an integral part of Milton’s epic-design. The Satan of Books I and II is a creature of such dynamic energy and colorful splendor that many of the epic’s readers are tempted to consider him as the hero of the poem. That Milton did not so regard him and that, in rejecting the Satan of the earlier part of the epic, Milton was not being false to his poetic self, is clear from Satan’s opening soliloquy in Book IV, at least the first ten lines of which were written before Books I and II. In this and subsequent soliloquies Milton is able to present the character of Satan more fully and in a partly dramatic form, by placing him in a situation which denies him an outlet for his rhetoric and invites introspective self-examination. Milton, no doubt, intended Satan – at least in the early books – to be representative of the old heroic values which were to be superseded by ‘the better fortitude of patience and heroic martyrdom’. Unfortunately for Milton, readers of Paradise Lost have not been able to shake off the heroic qualities of Satan in the first two books. Along with that, three other factors contributed to the result. In English, the word ‘hero’ has the meaning of a ‘central figure’, and this Satan is definitely in these early books. Milton was strong and fresh creatively when he characterized Satan in these early books; and he never succeeded in producing a rival hero of similar stature but opposed ideals. Milton lavished all his power, all his skill, and the greater part of his sympathy on the splendid figure of Satan. Many critics have agreed to the fact that the epic value of the whole epic is centered in the achievements and characterization of Satan. His unyielding agony represents the insightful antinomy of the modern consciousness. Satan expresses, as no other character in the epic does, something in which Milton believed strongly, that is, heroic energy. It is through Satan that Milton’s own heroic energy has been so powerfully shown forth. This is expressed through conflict and endurance. The odds are against him, he has to wage war against the Omnipotent, but still he persists and struggles, and wins our profoundest admiration and sympathy. No doubt, his energy is unreasoning, no doubt it is devoted to his wicked passion for revenge, and certainly he is carried away by hate and envy, but still we cannot help admiring him for the heroic energy with which he persistently struggles against heavy odds to achieve his aims. Milton’s Satan is not a comic or grotesque figure like the Devil or Vice of medieval writers or the demons of other epic poets. Being a principal figure of an epic, if a certain amount of grotesqueness was drawn in the character of Satan, it would have definitely impaired the dignity of the poem. Many predecessors of Milton have done the same but in this respect too Milton was daringly original. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that by attempting at proving himself ‘self-begotten’, Satan‘s behavior tends to the comic and contradictory. Moreover, only a fool would pit himself against omnipotence and thus invite certain disaster. But Milton’s Satan is neither a fool nor a clown. He definitely has the beauty of sublimity and the grandeur and majesty and dignity of bearing. The poet drives home this nobility and greatness of his bearing in wonderfully mentored fine passages which can be hailed as the best among those that have been ever written. The following passage confirms the point: â€Å"†¦Black it stood as Night, Fierce as ten Furies, terrible as Hell, And shook a dreadful dart, what seemed his head The likeness of a kingly crown had on. Satan was now at hand, and from his seat The monster moving onward came as fast With horrid strides: Hell trembled as he strode. †(II 495-501) Courteously and fearlessly Satan addresses himself to the monarch of the nethermost abyss. His speech contains no threats; he asks for guidance in his quest; and, with politic fore-thought, promises that quest, if successful, shall restore an outlying lost province to Chaos. In the war on the plains of Heaven, Satan ranges up and down the fighting line, like Cromwell; he fortifies his comrades to endurance, and encourages them to attack. In Hell he stands like a tower: â€Å"His form had yet not lost All its original brightness, nor appeared Less than Archangel ruined, and the excess Of glory obscured†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I (591-4) In his contests with Michael in heaven and with Gabriel on earth, he never falls below himself: â€Å"If I must contend†, said he, â€Å"Best with the best – the sender, not the sent; Or all at once. † IV (851-3) His followers are devotedly attached to him; they admire him ‘that for the general safety he despised his own’; and the only scene of rejoicing recorded in the annals of Hell, before the Fall of Man, is at the dissolution of Stygian Council, when the devils come forth â€Å"rejoicing in their matchless chief†. The allure of free will is where the attractiveness and power of Satan's character lies. Satan may be quite useless when it comes to fighting the ten thousand thunders of Christ's fury, but in his will he is free and in his mind he is supreme: ‘What though the field be lost? | All is not lost; the unconquerable will' (I. 105). † (Zen g, Nicholas http://www. christs. cam. ac. uk/darknessvisible/about_us/nicholas_zeng. html) As if to set purpose to raise Satan high above the heads of other archangels, Milton devises a pair of similar scenes in Heaven and in Hell. In the one Satan takes upon himself the unknown dangers of the enterprise that has been approved by the assembly. In the other, which occurs in the very next book, the Heavenly powers are addressed from the Throne, and asked – â€Å"Which of ye will be mortal, to redeem Man’s mortal crime, and just, the unjust to save? III (214-5) None in heaven is ready to take the risk; but Satan takes upon himself the dangerous task of traveling through Chaos and seducing Man. There is no doubt in the fact that Satan’s over-mastering passions are hate, ambition and desire for revenge, but he is not presented as a monster of wickedness or an unredeemed villain. Milton has skillfully humanized his character. Hence, though Satan in the enemy of God and Man alike, he is not entirely devoid of gentler characteristics. He is deeply remorseful at the thought of the ruin in which he has involved his followers and this remorse actually brings tears to his eyes. In the second book, we see him showing forth a noble sense of the duty of self-sacrifice incumbent on him owing to his position as king of hell, by sacrificing his own safety for the general cause and as a result, undertaking alone the difficult enterprise which daunted the courage of the mightiest of his followers. This trait of Satan’s character is maintained in the later books. We see him twice melted with compassion seeing the harmless innocence of Adam and Eve whose ruin he is plotting in book IV (389. 462-66). These softer feelings are to be seen as only occasional touches introduced to relieve the grandeur of a character essentially terrible, a character who is, though not totally devoid of gentle traits, on the whole most like a mighty tempest, or an avalanche, or any other force of nature that is a harmonious blending of beauty of sublimity and immense destructive power. With due sympathy and dramatic power, Satan’s character has been drawn which further revealed Milton’s proud spirit of independence and superiority to the utmost. Satan is certainly a self-portrait, a rebel against tyranny and injustice like Milton himself. The sentiment which he expresses – ‘courage never to submit or yield’; â€Å"better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven’, raises his stature to that of an epic hero. Satan is such a magnificently drawn character and such is the fascination he has exercised on the readers of the great epic of all times, paradise lost, that ever since Dryden has christened Satan as ‘Milton’s hero’, critic after critic has taken him to be the hero of the epic. There is no doubt that he dominates Books I and II of the epic in which he towers head and shoulders above his followers, but after that there is a progressive degradation and shrinkage in his character. His gradual loss of physical brightness is accompanied by a corresponding deterioration of character. The audience, however, does find someplace to invest its sympathy, and that place is in the character of Satan. The audience first sees Satan waking in Hell where he and the other fallen angels despair. Through his despair, however, Satan claims, â€Å"All is not lost — the unconquerable will,// And study of revenge, immortal hate,// And courage never to submit or yield — . . . That glory never shall his wrath or might// Extort from me† (I. 104- 111). † (http://www. essortment. com/all/satanparadisel_rsng. htm) It is by his own will that he becomes a serpent in Book IX. In Book X, he is a serpent whenever he wants to wear its garb. This degradation that is progressive is drawn home most effectively. His beginning is shown as fighting for liberty, however it is misconceived. But very soon his stature goes down as he starts fighting for â€Å"Honour, Dominion, glorie, and renounce’. But it is seen that he is defeated in this in no time. Then he resorts to the great plotting that forms the essence of the epic – the ruining of two creatures that are in no way harmful to him, but this is not at all keeping in front a serious expectation of triumph, but only to annoy the enemy who is beyond his reach for a direct encounter. This makes him stoop to the level of a spy coming into the universe, that too as a low level spy who peeps into the privacy of a man and wife, and it is there that he is described for the first time as ‘Devil’, not the fallen Archangel nor the dreaded emperor of Hell. If we take into account not merely Books I and II, but the epic as a whole, Satan cannot be regarded as the hero. As he is carried away by his passion for revenge, envy and hatred, to use ‘guile’ and cunning to achieve his end, Satan is the villain of the piece and not the hero. Closely woven with the story of the fall of man is the story of the fall of Satan and his followers. Their fall also bears out that the theme of the epic is the victory of passion over reason and its terrible consequence. Satan falls not because he is a lesser being, but due to his giving priority to passion over reason. He is proud and is carried away by inordinate ambition and lust for power. He claims absolute equality, foolishly imagines that he is self-created, regards god’s rule as tyrannous, rebels against him and is consequently overthrown and hurled into hell. He is the very embodiment of unrestrained passions which ultimately bring no satisfaction. Debates are still going on about the fact that Satan is such a driving force within the great epic. It ranges from William Blake’s comment that Milton â€Å"wrote in fetters when wrote of Angels and God, and at liberty when of Devils and Hell, is because he was a true Poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it† (Black 2007, p. 996) to the plea that this poem is nothing more than a christian tale in which milton is unsuccessful in portraying what he intended to do. (Marshal 1961, p. 19) Paradise Lost Strictly following the tradition of classical epic, Milton made his Paradise Lost, a work that roused the interest of all men in all ages. We can even claim that by his creative genius, he has modified and ennobled that tradition. Though its form is classical, its content tends to be on the scriptural side. The very opening lines exhort its central theme –â€Å"Of man’s disobedience†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The bone of contention between the critics of all ages is about whom the hero of this epic is –God, Satan or Adam. Undoubtedly we are forced to say that a good number of passages, especially in the first two books of Paradise Lost, give a heroic stature to Satan, the major among the fallen angels. Gradual diminution of Satan’s glory and grandeur is an integral part of Milton’s epic-design. The Satan of Books I and II is a creature of such dynamic energy and colorful splendor that many of the epic’s readers are tempted to consider him as the hero of the poem. That Milton did not so regard him and that, in rejecting the Satan of the earlier part of the epic, Milton was not being false to his poetic self, is clear from Satan’s opening soliloquy in Book IV, at least the first ten lines of which were written before Books I and II. In this and subsequent soliloquies Milton is able to present the character of Satan more fully and in a partly dramatic form, by placing him in a situation which denies him an outlet for his rhetoric and invites introspective self-examination. Milton, no doubt, intended Satan – at least in the early books – to be representative of the old heroic values which were to be superseded by ‘the better fortitude of patience and heroic martyrdom’. Unfortunately for Milton, readers of Paradise Lost have not been able to shake off the heroic qualities of Satan in the first two books. Along with that, three other factors contributed to the result. In English, the word ‘hero’ has the meaning of a ‘central figure’, and this Satan is definitely in these early books. Milton was strong and fresh creatively when he characterized Satan in these early books; and he never succeeded in producing a rival hero of similar stature but opposed ideals. Milton lavished all his power, all his skill, and the greater part of his sympathy on the splendid figure of Satan. Many critics have agreed to the fact that the epic value of the whole epic is centered in the achievements and characterization of Satan. His unyielding agony represents the insightful antinomy of the modern consciousness. Satan expresses, as no other character in the epic does, something in which Milton believed strongly, that is, heroic energy. It is through Satan that Milton’s own heroic energy has been so powerfully shown forth. This is expressed through conflict and endurance. The odds are against him, he has to wage war against the Omnipotent, but still he persists and struggles, and wins our profoundest admiration and sympathy. No doubt, his energy is unreasoning, no doubt it is devoted to his wicked passion for revenge, and certainly he is carried away by hate and envy, but still we cannot help admiring him for the heroic energy with which he persistently struggles against heavy odds to achieve his aims. Milton’s Satan is not a comic or grotesque figure like the Devil or Vice of medieval writers or the demons of other epic poets. Being a principal figure of an epic, if a certain amount of grotesqueness was drawn in the character of Satan, it would have definitely impaired the dignity of the poem. Many predecessors of Milton have done the same but in this respect too Milton was daringly original. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that by attempting at proving himself ‘self-begotten’, Satan‘s behavior tends to the comic and contradictory. Moreover, only a fool would pit himself against omnipotence and thus invite certain disaster. But Milton’s Satan is neither a fool nor a clown. He definitely has the beauty of sublimity and the grandeur and majesty and dignity of bearing. The poet drives home this nobility and greatness of his bearing in wonderfully mentored fine passages which can be hailed as the best among those that have been ever written. The following passage confirms the point: â€Å"†¦Black it stood as Night, Fierce as ten Furies, terrible as Hell, And shook a dreadful dart, what seemed his head The likeness of a kingly crown had on. Satan was now at hand, and from his seat The monster moving onward came as fast With horrid strides: Hell trembled as he strode. †(II 495-501) Courteously and fearlessly Satan addresses himself to the monarch of the nethermost abyss. His speech contains no threats; he asks for guidance in his quest; and, with politic fore-thought, promises that quest, if successful, shall restore an outlying lost province to Chaos. In the war on the plains of Heaven, Satan ranges up and down the fighting line, like Cromwell; he fortifies his comrades to endurance, and encourages them to attack. In Hell he stands like a tower: â€Å"His form had yet not lost All its original brightness, nor appeared Less than Archangel ruined, and the excess Of glory obscured†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I (591-4) In his contests with Michael in heaven and with Gabriel on earth, he never falls below himself: â€Å"If I must contend†, said he, â€Å"Best with the best – the sender, not the sent; Or all at once. † IV (851-3) His followers are devotedly attached to him; they admire him ‘that for the general safety he despised his own’; and the only scene of rejoicing recorded in the annals of Hell, before the Fall of Man, is at the dissolution of Stygian Council, when the devils come forth â€Å"rejoicing in their matchless chief†. The allure of free will is where the attractiveness and power of Satan's character lies. Satan may be quite useless when it comes to fighting the ten thousand thunders of Christ's fury, but in his will he is free and in his mind he is supreme: ‘What though the field be lost? | All is not lost; the unconquerable will' (I. 105). † (Zen g, Nicholas http://www. christs. cam. ac. uk/darknessvisible/about_us/nicholas_zeng. html) As if to set purpose to raise Satan high above the heads of other archangels, Milton devises a pair of similar scenes in Heaven and in Hell. In the one Satan takes upon himself the unknown dangers of the enterprise that has been approved by the assembly. In the other, which occurs in the very next book, the Heavenly powers are addressed from the Throne, and asked – â€Å"Which of ye will be mortal, to redeem Man’s mortal crime, and just, the unjust to save? III (214-5) None in heaven is ready to take the risk; but Satan takes upon himself the dangerous task of traveling through Chaos and seducing Man. There is no doubt in the fact that Satan’s over-mastering passions are hate, ambition and desire for revenge, but he is not presented as a monster of wickedness or an unredeemed villain. Milton has skillfully humanized his character. Hence, though Satan in the enemy of God and Man alike, he is not entirely devoid of gentler characteristics. He is deeply remorseful at the thought of the ruin in which he has involved his followers and this remorse actually brings tears to his eyes. In the second book, we see him showing forth a noble sense of the duty of self-sacrifice incumbent on him owing to his position as king of hell, by sacrificing his own safety for the general cause and as a result, undertaking alone the difficult enterprise which daunted the courage of the mightiest of his followers. This trait of Satan’s character is maintained in the later books. We see him twice melted with compassion seeing the harmless innocence of Adam and Eve whose ruin he is plotting in book IV (389. 462-66). These softer feelings are to be seen as only occasional touches introduced to relieve the grandeur of a character essentially terrible, a character who is, though not totally devoid of gentle traits, on the whole most like a mighty tempest, or an avalanche, or any other force of nature that is a harmonious blending of beauty of sublimity and immense destructive power. With due sympathy and dramatic power, Satan’s character has been drawn which further revealed Milton’s proud spirit of independence and superiority to the utmost. Satan is certainly a self-portrait, a rebel against tyranny and injustice like Milton himself. The sentiment which he expresses – ‘courage never to submit or yield’; â€Å"better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven’, raises his stature to that of an epic hero. Satan is such a magnificently drawn character and such is the fascination he has exercised on the readers of the great epic of all times, paradise lost, that ever since Dryden has christened Satan as ‘Milton’s hero’, critic after critic has taken him to be the hero of the epic. There is no doubt that he dominates Books I and II of the epic in which he towers head and shoulders above his followers, but after that there is a progressive degradation and shrinkage in his character. His gradual loss of physical brightness is accompanied by a corresponding deterioration of character. The audience, however, does find someplace to invest its sympathy, and that place is in the character of Satan. The audience first sees Satan waking in Hell where he and the other fallen angels despair. Through his despair, however, Satan claims, â€Å"All is not lost — the unconquerable will,// And study of revenge, immortal hate,// And courage never to submit or yield — . . . That glory never shall his wrath or might// Extort from me† (I. 104- 111). † (http://www. essortment. com/all/satanparadisel_rsng. htm) It is by his own will that he becomes a serpent in Book IX. In Book X, he is a serpent whenever he wants to wear its garb. This degradation that is progressive is drawn home most effectively. His beginning is shown as fighting for liberty, however it is misconceived. But very soon his stature goes down as he starts fighting for â€Å"Honour, Dominion, glorie, and renounce’. But it is seen that he is defeated in this in no time. Then he resorts to the great plotting that forms the essence of the epic – the ruining of two creatures that are in no way harmful to him, but this is not at all keeping in front a serious expectation of triumph, but only to annoy the enemy who is beyond his reach for a direct encounter. This makes him stoop to the level of a spy coming into the universe, that too as a low level spy who peeps into the privacy of a man and wife, and it is there that he is described for the first time as ‘Devil’, not the fallen Archangel nor the dreaded emperor of Hell. If we take into account not merely Books I and II, but the epic as a whole, Satan cannot be regarded as the hero. As he is carried away by his passion for revenge, envy and hatred, to use ‘guile’ and cunning to achieve his end, Satan is the villain of the piece and not the hero. Closely woven with the story of the fall of man is the story of the fall of Satan and his followers. Their fall also bears out that the theme of the epic is the victory of passion over reason and its terrible consequence. Satan falls not because he is a lesser being, but due to his giving priority to passion over reason. He is proud and is carried away by inordinate ambition and lust for power. He claims absolute equality, foolishly imagines that he is self-created, regards god’s rule as tyrannous, rebels against him and is consequently overthrown and hurled into hell. He is the very embodiment of unrestrained passions which ultimately bring no satisfaction. Debates are still going on about the fact that Satan is such a driving force within the great epic. It ranges from William Blake’s comment that Milton â€Å"wrote in fetters when wrote of Angels and God, and at liberty when of Devils and Hell, is because he was a true Poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it† (Black 2007, p. 996) to the plea that this poem is nothing more than a christian tale in which milton is unsuccessful in portraying what he intended to do. (Marshal 1961, p. 19)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Comparing Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau Essay

In many works of literature, authors express their viewpoints on society and times in which they live. In the essay â€Å"Self Reliance† by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, the authors speak out against conformity and materialism in society. Both were romanticism authors during the 1800s. They focused on simplicity and individuality. Both writings can advise teenagers today on the importance of non-conformity and the value of rejecting materialism. In â€Å"Self Reliance†, Emerson discusses being one’s own person and not allowing society to mold someone like a piece of clay; â€Å"Trust thyself† are the exact words he used. Trusting oneself means it is okay to be different if one wants or chooses to be different. It means that one does not have to follow the â€Å"bad† crowd just because everyone else may be choosing to do so. One must know that if they have a good idea and if they believe in that idea–even if it is different from the norm of society–some people will follow. Emerson also says, â€Å"Whoso would be a man, must be a non-conformist. † This means that to be a true and real person, one must stand up for what they believe in and not allow themselves to be completely changed by society. One must not conform to ways that will cause them to be someone or something outside of their own desires. In the beginning of his writing, Emerson gives us a definition of what he believes defines genius: â€Å"To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men—that is genius. ’ This is his way of saying that every person should know that doing what one thinks is right is the best decision—for him/herself. Every educated person does not conform to society if they do not think that society is going in the right path. Emerson also says that people who have good ideas are misunderstood. In his statement, â€Å"To be great is to be misunderstood†, Emerson is saying that most people who had great ideas in history were misjudged because their ideas were not along with the norms of society’s ideas. Therefore, the societal conformists thought that their ideas were wrong. Emerson gives reasons as to why most people conform to society and try to be the same. He says, â€Å"The other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency†Ã¢â‚¬â€œmeaning that people might follow society because that is what they are used to doing. They are only doing what they saw happening when they were younger. Their parents and other adults probably did the same thing that most people do today—conform. Emerson disputes this reason in his statement by saying, â€Å"But why should you keep your head over your shoulder? Suppose you should contradict yourself; what then? It seems to be a rule of wisdom never to rely on your memory alone†. Relying on the past could be problematic when someone questions things since most were probably brought up a certain way and are used to doing things the same way, but never really knew a good reason why to conform. In â€Å"Walden†, Thoreau explains how having less material things can simply your life. He says, â€Å"Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things† In saying this, he means to own your items and do not let them own you. Thoreau thinks that people have the desire to own things, thus, causing them to have to use all of their time working to own said things. Working all the time means that one can not do the things that one wants to, and that the items that one desires ends up owning them. Through this statement, Thoreau is basically saying that having all these things such as cell phones, iPods, laptops, and televisions are distracting people from the more important things in life such as family, health, and well-being. One of Thoreau’s famous quotes is, â€Å"Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! † This means to make ones’ life as simple as possible. He thinks that the poor are the fortunate ones since they have the least to look after and worry about while the rich have so much to look after that they do not have time for themselves. Living a simple life enables one to be free of commitment and obligations. One only has to worry about one’s self. Both Emerson and Thoreau believe that following one’s own path in life is the best way to go. They believe that being oneself and having a simple life is the best life. Both lessons can be relevant in today’s society by looking at the rural areas that still exist in the United States. Some of these areas still follow the principle of a simple and non-materialistic life. Their lives are not filled with technology and other things that distract most people from life. Young people (myself included), can take away much from Emerson’s and Thoreau’s writings. I could focus on more important things in life rather than wasting lots of time on unnecessary technology such as Facebook and Twitter. We could use technology under moderation and make sure that those things do not take up more time than necessary in our lives.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Downfall of Rome essays

Downfall of Rome essays Two brothers began to fight over who was going to settle on the great peninsula of Italy, Romulus and Remus both saw what this great fertile land had to offer. Eventually, Romulus won the fight by killing his brother. In 753 B.C., Romulus planted The Roman Roots where they started to grow into the giant Sequoia and develop one of the greatest civilizations in history. The city of Rome was founded. The empire was prosperous and strong, but eventually experienced a downfall, all starting with its division into two separate empires. The Western Roman Empire had internal decay in political and military issues, economics, and religion, thus causing the fall of Rome The political and military state of Rome started to become corrupted and declined after the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 A.D.. When he died, his spoiled son, Commodus, took over. Commodus was a poor leader causing civil wars and tribes around the Mediterranean to invade. To deal with the invasions, by spend thousands of dollars on imported glass and silks and other precious item for himself and his palace. the size of the Roman army was increased. Serfs, one of the largest and lowest groups of the population, were not allowed to serve in the army. Patricians, high upper class and plebeians or middle class, looked at serfs as if they were "bound to the soil.... excluded them from political responsibilities.(The Course of Civilization) Many foreigners, especially Germans, took part in the army, as mercenaries. With outsiders joining the army, the army did not succeed. These people did not have the same drive as a Roman, to protect the empire. Rome had to bring in mercenaries and s upport the army which took money, money the empire didn't have. In order to raise money for the army, the government raised taxes. With these political and military issues, the empire weakened, and so did the economics. Economics of the empire hit an all time low with continued spe...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU

Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU La trata de personas es una felonà ­a grave en el que una persona –el victimario– capta, recluta, transporta o aloja a la và ­ctima mediante el uso de fuerza fà ­sica, amenazas, secuestro, fraude, mentiras o abuso de situacià ³n de superioridad. El fin es explotar a la và ­ctima sexualmente o forzarla a trabajar en condiciones similares a la esclavitud o a la servidumbre, o para extraer de su cuerpo uno o varios à ³rganos. Tambià ©n se considera trata de personas forzar a la và ­ctima a mendigar, a producir pornografà ­a, a contraer un matrimonio de conveniencia, a vender a un hijo o a operar como soldado o guerrillero. Este artà ­culo informa sobre la situacià ³n del trfico de personas en EE.UU., las leyes que aplican a este delito, las exenciones migratorias para las và ­ctimas y quà © hacer si se sospecha de trfico de personas. Puntos clave: Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU En el delito de trata de personas, el victimario engaà ±a o fuerza a la và ­ctima, quien es explotada sexual o laboralmente.En EE.UU. la trata de personas es un delito federal castigado con penas de 10 aà ±os a cadena perpetua. El extranjero condenado por esta felonà ­a es deportado.Las và ­ctimas de trata de personas en EE.UU. pueden solicitar la visa T para permanecer en el paà ­s junto con sus familiares inmediatos.Para reportar trata de personas o solicitar ayuda, marque gratis y confidencialmente al 1 (888) 373-7888. Se habla espaà ±ol. Datos sobre el trfico de personas en Estados Unidos La Organizacià ³n Mundial del Trabajo estima que, en la actualidad, 25 millones de personas en todo el mundo son và ­ctimas de trata de personas, siendo el 75 por ciento de ellas mujeres o nià ±os. Este es un problema que tambià ©n existe en Estados Unidos, por lo que las leyes de este paà ­s establecen castigos para los victimarios y ayuda para las và ­ctimas. Adems, si las và ­ctimas son extranjeras, podrà ­an calificar para el alivio migratorio o exencià ³n conocido como visa T para và ­ctimas de trfico humano. Segà ºn Polaris, la principal agencia de lucha contra la trata de personas en Estados Unidos, cientos de miles de personas son và ­ctimas de este delito. En el aà ±o 2017, se reportaron a la Là ­nea Caliente Nacional del Trfico de Personas (NHTH, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) un total de 8.759 casos de trata de personas en el paà ­s, que afectaron a ms de 10.000 và ­ctimas, casi 5.000 victimarios y 1.500 negocios. Las principales causas de denuncia por trata de personas fueron la explotacià ³n sexual, donde la edad media de las và ­ctimas era de 19 aà ±os, seguido de la combinacià ³n de explotacià ³n sexual y abuso laboral que se desarrolla en lugares como locales de masaje ilegales, strip clubs o cantinas. En tercer lugar de frecuencia en los casos de denuncia figura la explotacià ³n laboral, incluyendo casos de servidumbre domà ©stica, explotacià ³n en el trabajo agrà ­cola y mendicidad forzada. Del total de casos reportados, el 80 por ciento de las và ­ctimas eran mujeres y nià ±as, y el 35 por ciento de los casos en los que se reportà ³ el grupo à ©tnico, este era el latino. Leyes de EEUU sobre trata de personas y sus castigos En Estados Unidos, las leyes federales sobre trata de personas son las ms importantes y tienen aplicacià ³n en todo el paà ­s. La ms relevante es la Ley de Proteccià ³n de Và ­ctimas de Trfico Humano (TVPA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que se aprobà ³ en el aà ±o 2000 y que incluyà ³ a este delito dentro de la categorà ­a de crà ­menes federales. Adems, creà ³ la visa T para proteger a los migrantes và ­ctimas de trata de personas. Tambià ©n son importantes el conjunto de leyes que se conoce como Ley de Reautorizacià ³n de Proteccià ³n de Và ­ctimas de Trfico Humano (TVPRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que fueron aprobadas entre 2003 y 2013. En particular destaca la de 2003, en la que se establece que el delito de trfico humano puede ser juzgado de acuerdo a las provisiones del Estatuto de Organizaciones del Crimen Organizado, conocido en inglà ©s por las siglas RICO. En otras palabras, a los acusados de trfico humano se les puede juzgar con las mismas leyes que aplican a la mafia. Tambià ©n es de destacar la ley aprobada en 2008, la cual exige que se examine a todos los nià ±os que llegan solos a la frontera de Estados Unidos para determinar si son và ­ctimas de trata de personas. Finalmente, la Ley Mann de 1910 que califica de felonà ­a el persuadir o forzar a otra persona a cruzar de un estado a otro para ejercer la prostitucià ³n y que es utilizada frecuentemente para juzgar el delito de trata de personas. Todas estas leyes estn codificadas en el Capà ­tulo 78, Tà ­tulo 22 del Cà ³digo de los Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que adems de las leyes federales, aplican las leyes del estado donde se cometa el delito. En cuanto al castigo por trata de personas, las penas pueden ir de diez aà ±os a cadena perpetua, dependiendo de las caracterà ­sticas del crimen. Adems, es posible perder la propiedad sobre las instalaciones en las que se hubiera alojado a las và ­ctimas extranjeras de este delito, en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Incautacià ³n de Bienes Civiles (CAFRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Asimismo, si el victimario condenado por la felonà ­a de trata de personas es extranjero, ser deportado al cumplir su pena de prisià ³n. Dichas personas son consideradas, desde el punto de vista migratorio, como inadmisibles para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Exencià ³n o alivio migratorio para và ­ctimas de trata de personas Cada aà ±o fiscal, las autoridades de Estados Unidos aprueban un mximo de 5.000 visas T para và ­ctimas de trata de personas. Los beneficiados y sus familiares inmediatos pueden quedarse en el paà ­s y solicitar, a los tres aà ±os, una tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Para obtener este beneficio migratorio es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos estrictos. En primer lugar, ser và ­ctima de trata de personas calificada como grave. Tienen dicha consideracià ³n las và ­ctimas de trfico sexual y las de trfico laboral. En segundo lugar, la và ­ctima debe estar presente en Estados Unidos, Samoa Americana, Islas Marianas Americanas o en un puerto de entrada. En este à ºltimo caso, la razà ³n debe ser precisamente porque en ese momento se est intentando ingresar a la và ­ctima a EE.UU. para explotarla sexual o laboralmente. En tercer lugar, para recibir la visa T, la và ­ctima de trata de personas debe colaborar con las autoridades en la investigacià ³n del caso. La à ºnica excepcià ³n aplica a los menores de 18 aà ±os, si no estuvieran en condiciones de hacerlo. En cuarto lugar, la và ­ctima debe ser considerada admisible desde el punto de vista migratorio o, si no lo es, solicitar y obtener un perdà ³n o waiver correspondiente.Y en quinto y à ºltimo lugar, la và ­ctima debe demostrar que sufrirà ­a dureza extrema en forma de daà ±o inusual y severo si tuviera que regresar a su paà ­s de origen. Para solicitar la visa T la và ­ctima debe enviar al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) el formulario gratuito I-914 y acompaà ±arlo del I-914 Suplemento B. Debido a la complejidad de estas visas y a la situacià ³n de indocumentados de los solicitantes es altamente recomendable contar con la asesorà ­a de un abogado para dichas planillas. Adems, si la và ­ctima solicita la visa para sus familiares, debe tambià ©n enviar al USCIS el formulario I-914 Suplemento A. En cuanto a los familiares que pueden incluirse, la respuesta depende de la edad de la và ­ctima. Asà ­, si tiene 21 aà ±os de edad o ms, puede solicitar la visa T para su cà ³nyuge y para sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por el contrario, si la và ­ctima es menor de 21 aà ±os, puede solicitar la visa para su cà ³nyuge, hijos, padres y hermanos solteros menores de 18 aà ±os. Si el gobierno aprueba la visa T, su beneficiario obtendr al mismo tiempo un permiso de trabajo. La visa es vlida por tres aà ±os y al finalizar ese plazo se puede solicitar la tarjeta de residencia permanente mediante trmite que se conoce como ajuste de estatus. Mientras se resuelve la solicitud de la visa T, los solicitantes deben consultar sobre los posibles beneficios que pueda brindar el estado en donde residen. Por ejemplo, en California se podrà ­a tener derecho a ocho meses de asistencia econà ³mica, adems de cupones de alimentos y seguro mà ©dico a travà ©s de Medi-Cal. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta los cambios legislativos recientes sobre quà © es beneficio pà ºblico y sus efectos migratorios, se recomienda consultar con un abogado antes de solicitarlos.  ¿Dà ³nde reportar sospechas de trfico de personas y encontrar organizaciones de ayuda? Polaris es la organizacià ³n sin fin de lucro a cargo de la là ­nea caliente nacional para reportar el delito de trata de personas o solicitar ayuda. Se puede marcar gratuita y confidencialmente al 1(888) 373-7888, donde atienden en ms de 200 idiomas, incluido el espaà ±ol. Tambià ©n se puede contactar en las redes sociales o enviando el mensaje de texto BeFree al 233733. Adems, todas las grandes organizaciones de ayuda a los migrantes pueden ayudar a las và ­ctimas o referirlas adecuadamente. Finalmente, Kids in Need of Defense y Coalition to Abolish Slavery Trafficking son dos organizaciones muy comprometidas a brindar ayuda en casos de trata de personas, incluida la asesorà ­a legal a migrantes. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.